The Mass
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee meets every month from September to May to discuss and plan worship services. In addition to planning for Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, the committee also helps coordinate special services and other celebrations throughout the year. Members do not need a background in liturgy to participate. Contact Fr. Mike if you’d like to join this committee or any of the ministries below.
Lectors proclaim the word of God through the scripture readings and lead the congregation during the Prayer of the Faithful. Lectors must possess a solid speaking voice, be fluid readers, and be comfortable in front of large groups. Lectors are responsible for practicing assigned readings in advance and typically read at one Mass per month. They also attend workshops as necessary to further their liturgical formation.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EMs)
Eucharistic Ministers administer the Body and Blood during communion. Their role is one of profound spirituality and is therefore open only to adults within the parish. EMs are scheduled on a rotating basis and typically serve one to two Masses per month.
Funeral Ministry
When a loved one dies, it is a time of sadness and grief. Our Funeral Ministry was created to help support families and individuals during this difficult time. Typically, Funeral Ministers greet guests as they enter the church, answer any questions they might have, and offer hospitality to all. Simple gestures go a long way in making a difficult time easier to go through when you are welcomed like family. Greeting people as they enter the church, passing out hymnals, tissue, or water. If you have the flexibility in your day and would like to serve in this ministry, please call the parish office or email Gail Fischer for more details.
Altar Servers
Acolytes assist the presider with a variety of duties before and during Mass. Mature young people who have made their First Communion are encouraged to serve. We also welcome any adults interested in this ministry.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild helps keep our sanctuary in a clean, efficient order. The Altar Guild assists in decorating the church for seasonal celebrations, changes the altar cloths according to the liturgical calendar, and works with the Liturgy Committee on issues related to environment. While many of these duties are weekly, members are scheduled so that each person only has to help once per month.
Ushers and Greeters
Ushers collect the offertory and direct parishioners during the communion procession. Greeters welcome parishioners as they enter church, pass out hymnals and programs, and help people find their seats. Both positions require a welcoming spirit while striving to maintain solemnity and prayerfulness during worship. We have an interest in developing this ministry further and are in need of volunteers.