Light a Candle at the Saint Joseph’s Monastery for your Special Intentions
Lighting a candle for loved ones or the personal intentions we hold within our hearts, is a longstanding tradition in the Catholic Church. We invite you to join us in this faithful tradition by lighting a candle at Saint Joseph’s Monastery.
Vigil candles burn at the side altars throughout the church. Each burning flame represents the faith of the person lighting the candle. You are welcome to light a candle at any of our altars.
We consider it an honor to light a vigil candle for you and pray for your intentions, which will be kept in confidence. Please choose what altar you would like a candle to be lit. If you wish light a candle for your intention(s), you may do so by submitting your intention(s) through the request a prayer form.
By clicking the button below, you will be able to make a donation and submit your prayer request. We will light the candle and place your intention at that altar. Once a month, Mass will be said for intentions.
A donation of $5.00 – $10.00 is appreciated to support this ministry. Remember to let us know what altar to light your candle.