Religious Education

Young Child Praying at Altar in Religious Education Class

Sunday School

Sunday school classes are held from September through May. Classes are held from 9:40 AM to 10:40 AM in the church classrooms. There is an annual registration fee of $50 per child and $75 per family (tuition can be waived in special cases of financial hardship). Contact Gail Fischer to register.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) offers three separate atriums: ages 3-6, 6-9, and 9-12. Currently, we are in our fifth year for Atrium I, and have recently begun Atrium II (first and second grades only). Classes are Mass-centered and follow the liturgical calendar, with special emphasis on Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost. CGS is based on the Montessori philosophy of allowing children to interpret material for themselves. Catechists make presentations that “call forth” a response rather than “pour in” information. Activities tend towards experiential repetition and are developmentally and scripturally appropriate for children.

Religious Education Registration Form